Friday, January 16, 2009

Passaic Dating

Passaic Dating: "Rebbetzin Lea Feldman is coming to Passaic for two days to meet with single men and women to arrange shidduchim and to provide chizuk and guidance.

Rebbetzin Feldman, former Rebbetzin at Neve Yerushalayim and wife of Rosh Yeshiva Rov Aharon Feldman of Ner Yisroel (author of The River, the Kettle, and the Bird), has many years of experience advising singles and made countless shidduchim.

Rebbetzin Feldman's schedule in Passaic will be as follows:

Sunday, January 18, 2009:

12:40 PM to 6 PM -- private meetings (20 minutes per person)

7 PM - 8:30 PM -- group presentation for single women

8:30 PM - 10 PM -- group presentation for single men

Monday, January 19, 2009
(Martin Luther King Day):

9 AM to 1 PM -- private meetings (20 minutes per person)"