Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lamed Vav Tzadikim - |

Lamed Vav Tzadikim - | " one could never really see silver, because it was an element that was sensitive to light, the very moment the light hit the silver it would be changed. I can even recall the hand gesture my teacher made when he explained the concept. The idea he was explaining was that the surface"

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Lessons learned about not using email on my BlackBerry | "I've Got a Golden Ticket!"

Lessons learned about not using email on my BlackBerry | "I've Got a Golden Ticket!": "d that would trigger the bomb when I cut it. Finally I thought of Jason Calacanis‘s recent email list controversy where he shared he was deleting his Facebook account. He explained deactivating was an option as well and isn’t the same as deleting if his peers want to follow suit. You could reactivate it at any time and your facebook profile will be as you left it. Phew. So I thought, why not deactivate my Blackberry emails and focus on results, friends, reading and maybe getting a foot massage at my favorite place on Westwood Blvd. Wish me luck! I’m already getting the jitters."

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

DesktopServer |

DesktopServer | "Simply, DesktopServer. Choose fictional domain names to personalize each of your projects and create dozens of virtual servers in seconds. WordPress designers and developers seldom work on a single project. Now you can create multiple isolated sites for webdesign or just for quickly and safely testing those plugins you’ve been meaning to try out. Now with new support for Dreamweaver!"

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